
I made my first wooden model a few years ago. During this build, a jeep from Toys and Joys, I encountered many challenges. These challenges made, after finishing my first model, I knew that there would be many builds to come. Many of these builds are on the Lumberjocks forum, on which woodworking enthusiasts come together and share their builds. After having worked on a couple of other Toys and Joys models the idea of creating my own model originated, together with the challenge of documenting the full build in 2D CAD. Besides these 2D drawings, I considered a 3D model to be crucial in understanding how everything would fit together, hence I came in contact with Ducky who I collaborated with for the realization of the 3D model. With Dutchy being in charge of the initial build and the 2D CAD plans, Ducky created the 3D model in SketchUp based on the CAD drawings.

The handsome Ducky used to make quite the number of wooden models himself, on display at Lumberjocks. For his builds he often used a laser for making molds/jigs. He also has a lot of experience in converting 2D plans into 3D models using SketchUp. Ducky is also keen on working on hard and software.

We both are wood enthousiast and making this models and plans as private persons on a non-business basis.